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The most ungrateful moose ever (viral video)

So this guy was driving along on the road, and by the side of the road he saw a moose, stuck in some fencing, laying down on the ground.

What happened?

So like any good gentleman, he decided to help the creature. He wrestled with the fencing a bit, and then finally the moose stood up and was able to walk again. He was free. But what he did next will shock you. He actually tried to attack the guy who was responsible for his freedom! What an ungrateful moose! Who does that?

What the heck?

Someone frees you, and you decide to attack him, that's just crazy! I've never seen anything like that in my life. Normally, animals are pretty cool in this type of situation, and they love when you help them out. Not this one, he hated it.

But at the end of the day, he's still a good boy. He was probably just scared, which is understandable. We hope this viral video made your day; leave us a comment and let us know!


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