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People at Starbucks be like (meme)

 Have you ever heard someone at Starbucks order coffee? This might be what it sounds like.

A funny Starbucks coffee meme
People at Starbucks really love their coffee
No one:  
People at Starbucks: Let me get a Grande iced mocha no foam quad soy hexagon vortex hypothesis with steamed ice.

And you're just sitting there listening like…wow! That's pretty wild that they ordered such a complex order. 

A lot of people at Starbucks really like their coffee a certain way. 

You can't blame them, you like what you like.

Still a hilarious meme, though. Share this with your friends if you thought it was funny. Also, share if you love Starbucks!

This meme is all in good fun, we are supporters of Starbucks.


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